Why Micro and Nano Influencers are the Future of Digital Marketing

Knowing the potential of influencer marketing is not enough just yet. The mistake that a lot of people make is throwing money on influencers with huge following count, and then get disappointed from the lack of good results.

Good thing you have experts on Influencer Marketing like us (and me, as an Influencer undercover myself) to figure everything out.

First of all, let’s define all the types of influencers.

Kim Kardashian Instagram Photo

@kimkardashian – Celebrity Influencer, 200M followers

Celebrity – a separate profile kind, not to be mixed with an influencer. Celebrities are usually people who became famous by other means than social media – whether it’s TV, movies, music, politics, or through any other “old” media. Generally, celebrities have millions of followers, yet also less trust from their audiences. People still view celebrities far away from the “common folk,” something unreachable.

Alexis Ren Instagram Photo

@alexisren, Mega Influencer, 14.1M followers

Mega Influencer – a social media influencer with a following over 1,000,000 followers. Someone, who gained their massive audience through their activity on social media channels. Viners, YouTubers, TikTokers, Instagram giveaway lovers (we will talk about giveaways later) or just attractive people with pretty pictures.

@inmakum, Macro Influencer, 585K followers

Macro Influencer – a social media influencer with a following of 500,000-1,000,000 followers. There are surprisingly many macro influencers now, and most of them are using their social media popularity to build their own brands.

Nicole Bernandes Instagram Picture

@nicolebernandes, Mid-tier Influencer, 272K followers

Mid-tier Influencer – a social media influencer with 50,000 – 500,000 followers. The content grinders who, generally, at this stage already feel the taste of fame, and thus sometimes can get tricky to communicate with.

Micro Influencer – 10,000 – 50,000 followers. Those are usually niche influencers, who form strong interest communities.

Nano Influencer – 1,000 – 10,000 followers. Starting influencers, who already have a big impact on their followers.

Let’s dig deeper and actually understand what influencers would be the most effective. Is your first guess Macro and Mega? That is a very common misconception.

It is not a secret anymore that, ironically, the more the followers, the less the engagement.

It is very clearly demonstrated in the following chart of Average Engagement Rate on Instagram, calculated by Influencer Marketing Hub after analysing over 1,000,000 accounts.

  • <1,000 followers (Nano Influencers) – 8% Engagement Rate
  • <10,000 followers (Micro Influencers) – 4% Engagement Rate
  • <100,000 followers (Mid-tier Influencers) – 2.4% Engagement Rate
  • 100,000+ followers (Macro and Mega Influencers) – 1.7% Engagement Rate

It is quite easily noticeable that the lower the follower count, the higher the engagement rate. But actually, there is actually a deeper meaning to why Micro and Nano influencers might be the future of Digital Marketing.

According to Forbes’ 2019 Survey, “Many [people] preferred to follow lesser-known folks, called “microinfluencers,” noting that people with a smaller fan base tend to respond more to their questions and comments on posts.” In that way, a strong bond is formed by that two way open conversation, as many followers consider an influencer a friend, whom they can trust.

Micro and Nano Influencers feel very close to a viewer, like a person next door. They do not follow extra luxury lifestyle and probably buy not-too-expensive products. That explains why their followers are more likely to buy a recommended product.

Another reason why micro and nano influencers are super effective is that they are very niche. So if a person, for example, writes about vegan lifestyle – their followers will trust them for anything vegan-eco-sustainability related, because they followed the person for that particular interest. Consumers look up to influencers who talk to them or look like them or have the same struggles they do.

Eco-friendly parenthood niche Instagram

@honeycomb_living with 8K followers writes about eco-friendly parenthood

In conclusion, it is no wonder that more and more marketers specifically choose to go with micro and nano influencers with loyal communities, so they have very specific, money/time efficient and effective target marketing.

I am thus really happy to work in a company like anyStarr, where we aim to take upon a top notch approach towards influencer marketing. With our range of different influencers and partners, we carefully tailor solutions to benefit every person and bring the best value to every community.

Watch this video to learn more about who we are and what we do.

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